Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tralfamadore changes name to Singularity, continues to be bad

Tralfamadore has been the subject of many posts not only on HoN Gossip but also on the forums. Widely known as Tralfamathrow, and other negative names, he has decided to change his name to Singularity. Unfortunately, this has earned him the nickname STINKULARITY as he continues to perform poorly and lose games vs Pew.


  1. Who better testie moon

  2. Who are you and where is Phil?

  3. Who better testie moon

  4. A blog dedicated to nerd video gamers drama. Oh god.. I feel bad here.

  5. Phil you were released from your duties at S2 because you lacked the skills to do your job. You were relevant but now you're anything but. Maybe if you weren't a biased admin and showed any sort of professionalism, you would still be working at S2 instead of balding and working behind the counter at McDonalds. It seems to me that you write these little articles to take your mind off what is a lack of purpose you have in life.

  6. who better moon testie
