Friday, November 23, 2012

coL vs ORGE - 1-1 Series knocks out V0TE

No one would be saying anything if it weren't due to the extremely well documented amount of hatred between players on these teams. I didn't watch the games so I won't comment on whether or not I believe coL threw; but I will say that V0TE had every opportunity to not drop games against Complexity, or more importantly in this situation, Orange eSports.

I'm not gonna lie though. After I saw that Complexity was going to be the team that decided who moved on in Group A, I told myself - "Well, that's the end for Gary Johnson."


  1. Dear Phil,

    Even if Complexity lost the second game intentionally, in order to knock out V0TE, there's seriously nothing "bad" against it. That's how Group stages work anyway in every single sport or e-sport. I've seen this happening a thousand times during Euroleague Basketball, Champions' League etc. It's just pure strategy. There's nothing wrong with that. Like you said yourself, If anything V0TE is the one to blame for dropping games in the first place

  2. This kind of stuff only happens in HoN.


  3. i thought the hate between col and vote was just between tralf and swindle until tralf left the team.

    for what reasons does complexity hate vote so much?

  4. I'm totally not saying that what Complexity has been accused of doing was against the rules or even "wrong." I'm simply saying that from my personal experience with the relationships between members of Complexity and Swindlemelonzz specifically, I cannot completely rule out the option that they threw away the 2nd game of the series just to spite Swindlemelonzz. Again, there is a level of ignorance here because I am not part of coL's HoN team nor have I watched the game in question.

    I'm simply implying that it's plausible that coL could throw the game intentionally.

    1. Oh they threw. Its not like they were going to go mid and feed or something because that would reflect badly on the sponsors, but it was more subtle things that added up.

      Basically, CoL did not attempt to win that game.

  5. What I'm trying to say, Phil, is even if they threw, which imo is most likely the case, you shouldn't even mention it, unless you want some drama

  6. Thats why people don't respect esports. Recent ppd and company vs swindle drama (nothing was done) and now this (nothing will be done) Its okay. As long as regular players keep buying gold coins, S2 staff will continued to get paid to protect the guilty comp players.

  7. Nothing was done about what? You fucking nerds get off swindles tiny cock, he's a fucking faggot being treated like a bitch where his posse of 15 stream devoted stream viewers aka his mods cry all over the place every time it happens to him. The kid is a joke and brings it on himself, stop trying to make it about "e-sports" it's about swindle being a punk bitch, and well this is what happens to punk bitches.

  8. GG admitting you didnt even watch the games and posting speculations for the sake of fuelling some cheap accusations and drama.
    Are you done with this blog?

  9. Does little saltymelonzz dick tingle your g-spot, Phil?

  10. Yo fat fuck Phil piece of shit, would you care to explain why you are still posting garbage on this blog?

    Like I've mentioned before anonymously, your blog is complete shit due to the fact that you for some reason think you have competitive insight. The truth of the matter is you are just a wannabe competitive insight giver who has little knowledge about the game. You are also a faggot for trying to start drama when you don't even personally know the members on each team. Sure, you suck Bkid's dick through cyber means by being a gay-ass on his stream/hon forum, but that doesn't mean you know shit.

    So do the community a favor, go kill yourself. It's a miracle that you were in marines and you came back in one piece, consider you are a fat piece of shit that doesn't work out but sits home and pretend to know something about competitive E sports.

    1. Why dont you stick your head off a tiny pickle jar full of shit? :D

    2. Don't understand why fucking faggots like you just love to suck a fat ass's dick? Either you have sympathy for his no-life status b/c you share the same experience or you are just a depressed little gay ass faggot.
